Business Coaching Experiences
We offer 3 levels of customizable coaching experiences that fit our clients’ unique needs, goals, and brands:

Personal Coaching
Whether it’s losing weight, returning to school, opening a business, buying a house, or finally going on that backpacking trip across Europe, our personal coaching consultants can help you set, accomplish, and maintain any goal. Consultants specialize in topics such as the power of the mind, paradigms, gratitude, terror barriers, etc. – tools that can cause a major shift in your life, regardless of the present circumstance. Personal Coaching sessions are typically scheduled as one-on-one, weekly, or bimonthly meetings for 6 – 12 months depending on the need.
Executive Coaching
We have one goal in mind when working with C-suite executives, mid-level managers, and entrepreneurs- and that is to help them discover their hidden potential. Our proven Executive Coaching curriculum has been the catalyst to life-transforming opportunities and achievement in the lives of his students.

Group Coaching
Our group coaching sessions are classroom style, small group discussions typically facilitated by one or two TDNG consultants that serve as lead trainers. Classes Offered: Breaking Limitations, Who Are You? Unleashing the Power of Forgiveness, The Science of Getting Rich, and more.